Monday, June 28, 2010

This Weekend

Hello everyone? How are you?

Now, I have cold... I often cough;( It is too bad!! But! Today is WC game, Japan vs Paraguay!!!!!! I will go to the public view to watch it with my friends. I'm looking forward to it very much♪ If I had a chance to talk with forigners, I want to try to speak English with them:)

By the way, I took TOEIC this weekend. This was second time to take it. Last time, I was left the time to answer these questions, so this time I took it slowly. Then I noticed, the left time was only 10 min. for 20 questions!!! I panicked of course. Eventually, I could answer all, but I couldn't recheck... Then, I want to take more speedy next time!

After that, I watched the WC game, Germany vs England. Did you watch this? I felt so sorry to England because their goal wasn't counted even if the ball was in the goal! I think the judgments had to check more cafelly and don't want to do such things in Japanese game!

Then, I will write about tonight's game next;) I wish I could report the good result to you★

1 comment:

  1. I want to watch WC!!! However maybe I cant watch ...
    Take care of yourself.
